Suitable for short-form or long-form posts, it will meet all your blogging requirements. Off-screen navigation gets out of the way and shows up nicely when needed. Big wide post images pop out and introduce readers to posts' content.
Type sizes based on modular scale
Absolute visual harmony between type and other theme elements.
Ready to start writing
All HTML content elements are properly styled and tested. Embedding YouTube or Vimeo videos is supported out of the box. Readers can easily share posts on social media with built-in sharing links on every post.
Looks great on all devices
Fully responsive and works nicely on all device types: phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers. Graphics and icons are ready for high-resolution screens.
Features list
- Support for Ghost 5.x
- Membership tiers support
- Comments
- Use of global accent color
- Public preview dividers
- Post design
- Page design
- Tag page design
- Author page design
- Google AMP design
- Custom logo
- Custom header background image
- Custom tag header background image
- Custom author header background image
- Facebook and Twitter support
- Share post/page to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or email address
- Responsive and high-resolution screen ready
- Built on Basscss framework
- Google mobile friendly
- W3C valid code
- Ghost GScan: 100/100 points
- Compatible with modern browsers
If you need any help with Nando theme or with Ghost feel free to contact us through ThemeForest.