Ghost has a single, powerful organisational taxonomy, called tags.
It doesn't matter whether you want to call them categories, tags, boxes, or
anything else. You can think of Ghost tags a lot like Gmail labels. By tagging
posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of
related content.
Basic tagging
When you write a post, you can assign tags to help differentiate between
categories of content. For example, you might tag some posts with News and other
posts with Cyclin
Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team
The base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can write posts, edit their
own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you don't
trust users to be allowed to publish their own posts, you shouldn't invite them
to Ghost admin.
Editors are the 2nd user level in Ghost. Editors can do everything that an
Author can do, but they can also edit and publish the posts of others - as well
as their own. E